Today we visited “Casa de los Navajas”, an ornate old house a short walk from the beach about halfway along the seafront. It was built in 1925 by a guy who wanted a holiday home facing the sea. I won’t bore you with more historical details, but there’s a ton of info if you search for it online. The house now belongs to the local council and is open a few days each week for free. Due to its unique decoration, it’s a magnet for photographers of all abilities and levels.
After lunch, which wasn’t the best – although Mr B would have loved the freshly grilled sardines, we went for a stroll along the beach armed with an ice cream. Our afternoon walk in the sun, not to mention the flights of steps we had to climb made us pretty thirsty so we headed back to the hotel bar for late afternoon / pre-dinner drinks.
Today’s been pretty restful compared to the previous two days, which was probably a good tonic. Otherwise, we’d need a holiday to get over the holiday! I don’t know what Char’s been smoking on her balcony, but she’s developed a wicked cackle. (Probably due to all the banter!)
Saw this magnet and thought of Sophie
Partway along the beach we discovered this sand sculpture.